
AirPods Max v AirPods Pro Review

Are the AirPods Max – which cost £550/$550 worth being more than twice the price of the fantastic AirPods Pro? How do they sound? what do they feel like? and

Wireless Android Auto & CarPlay on BMW 2020

We have been waiting for Wireless and Widescreen Android Auto to join Apple CarPlay and be available in production cars. Android Auto has always been a step behind CarPlay in

CarPlay on iOS 14 First Look

CarPlay has new features in iOS 14 and in this video we look at them and see how they work. Do you think this is an improvement with CarPlay? Let

Top Features of iOS 14

We look into the iOS 14 beta on iPhone and explain the new features and demonstrate how they work. Don’t forget to subscribe, like and comment! What do you think

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