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Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2: 5 Big Improvements

The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 is the phone of the year! It has taken the amazing original Fold and improved on it in every way possible and in there are FIVE BIG IMPROVEMENTS that were made to the Samsung Z Fold 2 this year.

What are those improvements? watch the video to see them first hand but if you don’t have the time here they are…

New design

The new Z Fold 2 has a new design

Bigger displays

The Galaxy Z Fold 2 has both larger outside and inside displays with the inside screen gaining the ability to refresh at 120Hz.

New Hinge

The new hinge has cams which allow it to be opened and held at any position between fully open and closed.

Better Cameras

The cameras have been improved to match 2020 flagships

Better Software and Specs

The Z Fold 2 has a faster processor, more RAM and a bigger battery as well as the latest version of Android with more software features including Selfie Mode.

Samsung Z FOLD 2: FIVE Big Improvements

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