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The Complete Guide to Car Technology – my new eBook – Out Now!

You only have to walk into a car dealership and ask how your phone connects to the vehicle or what the range is of the adaptive cruise control; or if it is Level 4 autonomous to probably get a blank and confused look (or worse a made up answer that sounds correct because it was said with confidence). The truth is cars are advancing at a rate that makes it very tricky to understand how it all works; and for a profession that was used to everything being straightforward it has turned mechanics into IT experts!

Most garages didn’t open because the owners loved updating software in their free time!

Of course dealers are getting better and better at understanding how it all works but even if they are relative experts they certainly could do with a helping hand… and so do you – the consumer, the car buyer – and that is where this ebook comes in.

Over the next 20 or so pages I will give you an easy, straightforward explanation of the technology in modern cars. What it means and maybe how it works so you can feel confident when you get into any car that you can understand what everything means and how it all works.